Green Action School Certification

WWF-India, India’s leading conservation organization, and ARC, pioneer in implementing a structured course on sustainability in schools, invite your school to work with us for your Green Action School Certification

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Get certified as a



1. WWF-India 2. EduGems (FINLAND) 3. International Sustainability Academy (GERMANY) 4. GiveBack (PORTUGAL) 5. ARC (INDIA)

Join the GREEN ACTION Schools Program

  • Distinguish Your School as a certified Green Action School that’s committed to creating a greener future.
  • Engage and Inspire Students towards environmental conservation through the program’s range of interactive and educational activities.
  • Access Exclusive Resources and Expert Guidance to support your Green Action School’s journey towards sustainability.
  • Collaborate with a Community of like-minded schools, educators, and students, with whom you can exchange ideas and experiences and share success stories.

WHY join the GREEN ACTION Schools Program

A holistic education that fosters 21st century skills, environmental awareness, climate literacy, and a global worldview is the key to addressing present-day environmental challenges and building a sustainable future. Education is a vital part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and is considered a driver for the transformations towards achieving the 17 SDGs. India’s National Education Policy 2020[1] too recognises the importance of environmental awareness for all students and mentions that environmental education should be included in formal curricula.


Through the Green Action Schools Program, schools will

  • use informative resources and strategies to build knowledge and skills in students,
  • inculcate in them a spirit of environmental stewardship, and
  • equip them to create a positive impact in their communities and their future roles as global citizens.

The Program will also provide a platform on which enterprising schools, educators, and students are recognised and celebrated for their eco-friendly initiatives.


[1] National Education policy 2020, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India;

What does YOUR SCHOOL get?

The Green Action Certification includes:

  1. Certificate and banner which can be displayed in the school
  2. Capacity-building workshops on sustainability education for all teachers
  3. Learning material with project ideas for Nursery to Grade 8; detailed lesson plans for educators included
  4. Digital resources from WWF-India’s One Planet Academy for students of grades 6-12
  5. Online training of one or two teachers from the participating school from Finland (totally free of cost)
* Green Action Preschool certification is also available but with different terms and conditions. Please contact us for more details.

This certificate can be yours!

Banner for your school

Green Action Banner_4

How to enroll your school?

Link to the registration form:

Note: In the case of a group of schools, each campus would need to submit a separate application.


The cost of the certification is dependent on the total number of students in Nursery, KG, Grades 1 to 8. Certification cost includes books for all the students in these grades. The entire cost is Rs 200* per student in the grades mentioned above.

*Conditions apply

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