
689 million people live in extreme poverty, surviving on less than $1.25 a day

A quarter of girls report being victims of some form of physical violence

10% of the world’s population does not have access to safe drinking water

Plastic is killing more than 1.1 million seabirds and animals every year

1/3rd of the food produced gets wasted every year

One of the best ways to solve most of these problems is to empower our future generations with the knowledge and understanding to campaign, invent & innovate for a sustainable future.

Are we doing enough to SOLVE these PROBLEMS?

  • We are teaching privileged children in the best schools about such issues but what about the under-privileged child?
  • Does she know that it’s her right to get quality education, to not die of hunger, to get decent work, and to be treated fairly?
  • We have created an entire programme on education for sustainable development.
  • We provide study material to students for grades nursery to 8.

Help us reach as many children as possible!

Pledge your support, donate now through our partner Eco Roots Foundation!


We are working with schools for the underprivileged sections of the society to empower them to work towards the UN SDGs.

This volunteer-led programme is being driven by student volunteers. Tarang Malhotra, a student of Grade 12 Heritage Xperiential Learning School Gurugram, was the Student Leader of the 2021-22 Chapter. He worked with a team of students to educate and equip teachers to teach SDGs. These students also collected funds and organised book donation drives in schools for the underprivileged sections across the country.

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